3D for the dorm room. Move aside, beer pong.
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One of the key directives brought up during Sony’s media conference at the Electronics Entertainment Expo this year was the company’s desire to drive home their commitment to 3D gaming. They’ve focused on dismantling one of the biggest roadblocks in the way of mass consumer adoption: the price of the TVs themselves.
Sony’s answer: A new PlayStation-branded 24” monitor, which will debut later this year bundled with Resistance 3, an HDMI cable, and a set of active shutter glasses, all for $500.
In addition to functioning as a traditional stereoscopic display, it performs a cool trick, generating two separate images instead of the stereo pair. This allows two players to play split-screen games without, well, splitting the screen. Each player dons a pair of Sony’s newly price-dropped active shutter glasses ($69). Every other frame feeds an individual image to one of the viewers. The effect is totally convincing, too.
In addition to being on display at Sony’s booth, the new set was shown in a faux dorm-room setup at the company’s media event on Monday night. An array of disposable red cups, arranged in a familiar triangle shape on a coffee table, along with a pile of empty pizza boxes made it clear just who this set is being marketed toward.
I only was able to see canned demo material, with footage of Motorstorm: Apocalypse and WipEout HD, but what I saw looked good. Sony’s lower-end TVs have never been anything worth talking about, but this didn’t have any picture noise that I could see and handled motion incredibly well without noticeable smearing .
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